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The ultimate university dining experience

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The ultimate university dining experience

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Don't you think this is a HORRIBLE idea?

We are sorry to inform you that this website is not a UCSD official website

We are a group of critical designers who made this website to call people’s awareness on the issue of food commercialization of UC San Diego’s cafeterias

The On Campus Dining Experience is Horrible In comparison to other UC schools

Compare to other UC campuses, UCSD has a more expensive, smaller portion, and poorer quality dining plan for its student population. Incoming students can have to choose between the meal plan that cost $5904 or $3936 and this dining plan is bundled into student’s housing. The dining dollar has a one-to-one ratio with the U.S. currency but the difference is dining dollar can be only spent at UCSD-run dining/supermarket places, and the food portion of each meal is very limited, many students complain they couldn’t be filled up with one meal. On the other hand, other UC Campuses such as UCLA and UCI all provide a much more flexible dining plan to make the student dining experience become more financially affordable, while each meal they serve at cafeterias offers an all-you-can-eat option so students do not need to worry about the small food portions issue. In a sense, UCLA and UCI have dining halls, yet UCSD only has commercial restaurants. Thus, we, as critical designers who are concerned about the interest of the student population at UCSD, have created this fake “TRITON +” website to propose a future in which UCSD dining services become highly commercialized, and we want to use this creation to express our worry and call more attention to such problem.


Flexible dining plans with All-you-can-eat meals

UC Irvine

Flexible dining plans that grant limited or unlimited access to buffet style cafeterias.

UC San Diego

Limited dining plan option, dining dollar act as cash only

Join Us to Prevent This From Becoming a Reality!

We encourage everyone to join our campaign to spread awareness about on-campus food issues. To better help our campaign, you can share this website with your friends and classmates, inviting them to try out the “Trition +” ordering demo. Also, you can share your own voice in the comment section below, letting more people know about your personal thinking about the dining experience at UCSD. We much appreciate your help!

Make Food For People, Not Profit!

Please share your thoughts or dining experience on campus in the comment section below. We will gather the consented comments and redirect them to HDH, making our voices to be heard.

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1 year ago

I don’t want our school to be commercialized in this way. Make food for students!

1 year ago

Would be a great idea if the subscriptions can be cheaper and I think that more budget should be allocated more towards HDH to pay their employees more as well as hire more worker to bring up the service.

1 year ago

Love the slogan. I love the idea of designing this app. For a UCSD student like me who lived on campus for a year, I definitely felt very frustrated with the dining services. I have got food poisoned once at the school dining hall and I agree 100 percent with this idea of make the food for the people not profit. The website is very easy to navigate and I loved the idea of being able to click on the screen and interact with it as if there is a mobile app that I am using.

1 year ago

lol you guy actually got me in the first half. That YouTube thumbnail looking updated food portion image is freaking hilarious. food on campus is definitely not the best, and it sucks especially when compared to other UC schools

1 year ago

Love the design, I thought it’s some real triton2go website for a second

1 year ago

It was hard to get in line sometimes, so I hope this kind of service is available. I’ll look forward to it!

1 year ago

There are some issues regarding on-campus dining services. I think this website is helpful for students and hope the issues can be solved soon.

1 year ago

The way you all have gone bringing this to attention is absolutely horrible. 90% of people I talk to think this is real and not a project

1 year ago

The school and program are non profit. This site is not true or accurate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

UCSD is indeed a non-profit organization, since it is a public school. However, HDH is not non-profit. It lacks 501(c)3 registration.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That’s the point of this website, to remind people and UCSD itself that it should be a non-profit organization, and should not make profits out of its student population.

1 year ago

Very cool